We are delighted to announce that Kate Sutton has been promoted to Director at Andrew Martin – Planning Limited. Congratulations Kate on your well-deserved promotion! Kate has 24 years’ experience in a wide range of planning work including site appraisals, enforcement, planning appeals including hearings and inquiries, as well as local ...
Introduction Ever since the UK Government transposed changes to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive 85/337/EEC into UK law, through the Town & Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations in 2017 (‘the EIA Regulations’), it has been necessary for developers to ensure that their environmental statements are prepared by ‘competent ...
Schedule 4 of the EIA Regulations requires an applicant to provide an outline of the reasonable alternatives considered when developing proposals and an indication of the main reasons for the choices made, taking into account the environmental effects. In recent years, AM-P has led the EIA process in relation to ...
Andrew Martin - Planning Limited are proud to have celebrated our 10 year anniversary on 31st March 2022. AM-P was established in 2012, but with origins that go back 36 years to the forming of Andrew Martin Associates (AMA) in 1983. AMA was transformed through acquisition by a large multi-disciplinary ...
In accordance with Part 5, Regulation 18 and Schedule 3, an Environmental Statement (ES) should include the following, “a description of any features of the proposed development, or measures envisaged in order to avoid, prevent or reduce and, if possible, offset likely significant adverse effects on the environment.” These measures ...