Andrew Martin
A qualified Chartered Surveyor, Chartered Town Planner and Urban Designer with almost 50 years experience in both the public (14 years) – Hillingdon LBC and Basildon New Town Development Corporation and private sectors (35 years). Andrew founded Andrew Martin Associates (AMA) in 1983 and was Managing Director following the acquisition of AMA by Capita Symonds Limited (CSL) in June 2009. In May 2012 he left this post to form Andrew Martin-Planning.
Andrew is personally involved in all aspects of work undertaken by the new practice, particularly in relation to producing evidence to major inquiries and tribunals, strategic promotion/major schemes, master planning, the development plan process and project management. He also has considerable experience in successfully finding solutions to the enhancement, re-use and extension of listed buildings, including the award winning Croxton’s Mill (AMA’s former HQ) and Town Mill, Stebbing, Essex. Andrew has gained an outstanding track record in securing allocations and planning permissions for a wide variety of projects, especially the creation of new neighbourhoods and communities.