Successful Planning Application – Oakleigh Farm, Essex

Andrew Martin Planning (AM-P) recently secured outline planning permission for the demolition of existing industrial units, livery, and stable and the conversion of existing commercial and residential building to 2no. residential units, alongside construction of five new units to create a total 7no. four bed family homes. Oakleigh Farm is located within the Essex countryside…

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Planning under a new Labour Government

With the dust settling on the recent local and mayoral elections, and the General Election announced for 4th July, even the most optimistic Conservative voter is resigned to the reality that by the end of the year the country will be run by a new Labour government. A change in government will inevitably result in…

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Kate Sutton’s Promotion

Kate Sutton

We are delighted to announce that Kate Sutton has been promoted to Director at Andrew Martin – Planning Limited.  Congratulations Kate on your well-deserved promotion! Kate has 24 years’ experience in a wide range of planning work including site appraisals, enforcement, planning appeals including hearings and inquiries, as well as local plan promotion, but guiding schemes…

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